Friday, April 5, 2013


We were so glad we could attend 'Salak', a magnificent French-Kuwaiti fusion music collaboration held at Shamiya Theater yesterday, Wednesday 3rd April.  It was organized by  Institut Francais Du Koweit. 

The music created by the western instruments, the music from Brittany in France blend together with the middle eastern music of Kuwait and the Arab World was amazing to listen to and so very unique. The songs were rendered in  French and sounded soulful. This project took the musicians 10 days of preparation, practice and rehearsals to create the beautiful fusion music.  We had the most fabulous time, A huge thanks to the wonderful French and Kuwaiti musicians who made this event so enjoyable for the audience and for introducing such wonderful  music. One  pleasant surprise for the audience was when Nicolas Radin and Mathieu Serot took a small break from the stage followed by sounds of musical instruments from behind the audience somewhere near the entrance to the auditorium. We all looked towards the back curious and saw Nicolas and Matheiu enter into the theater playing the bagpipe and clarinet, both dressed in traditional Kuwaiti costumes! They passed by the audience and went up on stage and continued to play as Hussein Al Khalaf joined in. It was fabulous.  

French Musicians - Nicolas Radin (saxophone, bagpipe, flute), Youenn Paranthoen (accordion), Youenn Landreau (chapman stick), Mathieu Serot (flute and vocal music). 

Kuwaiti Musicians - Mohammed Al Ruwaished (oud and kanoon - santoor), Hussein Al Khalaf - percussion

Nicolas Radin and Mathieu Serot in traditional Kuwaiti attire

Nicolas Radin (right), Hussein Al Khalaf (center) and Mathieu Serot (left)

From left to right : Nicholas Radin (left), Mathieu Serot, Mohammed  Al Ruwaished, Hussein Al Khalaf, Youenn Paranthoen, Youenn Landreau 

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