Saturday, June 22, 2013


Photo taken at the Gift Shop, Krohn Conservatory, Cincinnati, Ohio
Taken at the driveway leading to Krohn Conservatory, Cincinnati, Ohio

If life were a bed of would wish...but then, roses and thorns are part of one and the same plant. When you look at a rose plant, we are struck with the beauty, color and fragrance of the flower. The thorns are visible, we are aware of it's existence, so we tend to hold the stem in a manner we don't wrap our hand around the thorns. And our attention is focused on the rose rather than the thorns. Human experience has taught us to accept that happiness and sorrows co-exist, each taking it's turn in the journey of life. It's up to us to seek balance and live an inspired life which helps us to love and appreciate life, without being pulled down or limited by setbacks and hurdles.

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