Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I received an article in my mail this morning and I thought of sharing it with you. I haven't put up the whole article, you may visit Alisa Bowman's website to read more.

"I start every day writing in my journal. It’s a way to get out all of the bad stuff, so I’m better able to focus on the good. My journal is not a happy or blissful place. It’s a dark pit of doubts and fears.....

Most of us have a near constant stream of negative thoughts running through or minds. Some of it is directed at strangers, some at relatives and inlaws, some at friends and, yes, some at our spouses and even our children. Unless you make a practice of watching your mind–either by journaling or meditation–you might not even be aware of the toxicity you mentally lob toward others throughout your day. 

Most of us keep this nastiness to ourselves, and that’s a good thing. If we all had the ability to read one another’s minds, I would imagine that the world would become an angrier, sadder place". - Alisa Bowman

This is an excerpt from the article, "He secretly read her journal, now what?", Project : Happily Ever After  (What it takes to stay happily married by Alisa Bowman)

Visit her website Project Happily Ever After

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