Sunday, February 10, 2013


Two days ago,  I got this beautiful quote by Don Miguel Ruiz by email. It read :

"These are the happiest moments of your life - when the real you comes out, when you don't care about the past and you didn't worry about the future."

Isn't that so true? When do you feel the most happiest? I feel the happiest moments of my life are when :

* I am having a good laugh, having an interesting conversation, or a good time with family or friends
* Dealing with or doing something important/ worthwhile and being totally involved head, heart and soul.  
* Listening to music
* Long distance calls and voice chats with my children who live abroad
* Visiting my children
* Attending musical concerts
* Visiting art galleries and exhibitions 
* Having my tea
* Reading, writing or blogging
* Walking around in the malls for hours
* Making a favorite dish,
* Going out for walks in nature parks with my husband
* Taking photographs
* Taking a stroll on the beach
* Sitting for hours and painting and not know the time fly
* Reading poetry
* At times just being on my own, away from noise and distractions and enjoying every moment of that solitude and the peace, clearing my mind and feeling re-energized.
* When I am able to let go of things I shouldn't hold on to or don't serve me anymore. 

These are the times I am the happiest, when I live and enjoy every moment, and there is no past nor future. I enjoy being centered in the present - whatever it is I am doing. It is in the present that we have the creative power and energy to do all that we need to - for it's our today that becomes our past and it's from our today, we birth our future  . 

It's important that we don't dwell in the past constantly reminding yourself of negative experiences, sorrow, pain or losses. We don't live there anymore and there is no going back. We can live our  life armed with wisdom from the lessons and experiences of  the past and choose to live mindfully in the present. Don't forget to remind yourself of all the blessings and good things that happened to you in the past and be grateful for them. It's also  natural to be curious, concerned and even a bit apprehensive about the future. You see at any 'present' moment, we will never have all the pieces of the puzzle of our future to know the whole picture. There is always an element of mystery surrounding our future. But we are endowed with all the faculties and supreme qualities, within us to help us in that journey towards our future. Don't let the thoughts of past or future spoil your peace of mind.  

Whatever it is you are doing at present, whether it is reading a book, drinking a cup of tea, washing dishes, listening to music, doing your work, taking up new challenges, handling a new project, enjoy whatever it is you are doing. And you don't have to cling on to what does not serve you or stop you from growing emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. When you live centered in the present, you are at the zenith of creativity, able to think more clearly, where you generate positive vibrations, and attract more good into your life.  Even if your mind wanders, don't give power to any disturbing or negative thoughts.  Let those thoughts just pass without being suffocated or engulfed by them. Being centered in the present can hugely benefit your emotional health and increase your happiness quotient.  

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